
Ga’an are one of 20jazzfunkgreats favourite bands. A steel Hydra coiling and snapping from the undifferentiated sludge of contemporary music, an enigmatic troubadour staying for a night at the inn of this reality, regaling us with uncanny ballads about the chaos without so that we can writhe in gorgeous nightmares when we go to bed. They take off like Magma, into the heart of darkness like Goblin. – 20JFG Here is a well-hidden gem, released earlier this year by the Chicago based band Ga’an. “Black Equus” is the band’s second album and they describe their music as minimalistic progressive rock but they don’t fall in the classical prog rock category (as most of us use it today). They’re influences come from Ash Ra Tempel, Popol Vuh, Amon Duul, even Isis but mainly from the great Magma. Passing minimalism, jazz ethics and drone through a prog prism they create a sometimes ethereal but mostly apocalyptic soundscape which lasts for 36 minutes. This is a must-listen for this year and I’m glad I found it out before the year ends. I haven’t heard their first one (which features band’s original 4-piece line up) but I’m going to do it as soon as I can. – Stoned Sun Vibrations

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