
Norwegian-German Teddyboy project. The one calling himself Mr Knife is John Sindre Lynhaug, a man we all know for playing and staying with Norway’s REBEL’S REVENGE. On ,Sinister Street” he is joined by TOWN REBEL Christian Hochmuth and FOGGY MOUNTAIN ROCKERS drummer Sven Schürmann. This so-to-speak European All Star Ensemble of today’s Teddyboy has been around and giggin’ ever since late 2009 when they started out being a mere live band. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to “Sinister Street”! With this record JOHNNY KNIFE & HIS RIPPERS lead us to the dark side of Rock’n’Roll, to lost love, gambling, fights and gang wars. A great coice of songs, consisting of self-written songs and well chosen covers make us hope that JOHNNY KNIFE & HIS RIPPERS are gonna stick around for a while. For now we conclude that ,Sinister Street” its 18 British 50s-Rock’n’Roll/Teddyboy/Revival-Rock’n’Roll songs is a great contribution to any cd collection.

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