
It took more than 5 years for these guys to finish this project – a very ambitious project, because they wanted to do every song with a different singer that they love. And as you can imagine, there were a lot of people keen to do it and a few really did it. So, in the end you’ll get the most promising BLCKWVS record you ever listened to. They still have their trademark monolithic super heavy doom sound, but have spiced it a bit here. The folowing people did their part – and tell a spacey story from song to song. Toni (Union Of Sleep), Ed Fraser (Heads), Marc Grewe (Insidious Disease /orig.Morgoth), Munde (inotdance), Sarah (Black Vulpine), Siggi (Space Chaser), Lupus (Kadavar), Chris Dettmer and Milo (Rhonda). If you dig ISIS, Neurosis and the like, check these dudes as well! File Under: Instumental Doom, Postrock,

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