As the mouthpiece for Canadian troupe The Hidden Cameras, Joel Gibb has never been one to shy away from controversial subject matters. So when the video to lead single ‘Gay Goth Scene’ appeared in October of last year depicting the harrowing tale of a kid being bullied at school, it set the scene for what was to follow. AGE, their sixth album and first since 2009’s Origin:Orphan comprises of the components that made The Hidden Cameras an alluring proposition from the outset. Still present are the orchestral segments that add a touch of grandiosity to Gibb’s lyrical prowess, while the ever-changing, often-expanding line-up of musicians welcomes a couple of star-studded guest appearances: much-feted pianist Chilly Gonzales and Mary Margaret O’Hara, whose previous vocal collaborations include REM, Morrissey and Tom Waits.
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