180 gram blue & black colored vinyl, limited to 300 copies. There are places, they say, best left unexplored. Temples of darkness, ziggurats of gloom, resting places for those desperate souls whose essences have not fully departed this mortal plane…Who knows what awful secrets lurk there, deep in the black places of the Earth? LAWA know. For their latest round of releases on the always forward-looking Cineploit label, the duo of Austrian mega-synthesists Alain Leonard and Alex Wank access realms as yet unseen by human eyes. Expanding on their previous records’ diet of soundtrack-heavy electronics and percussive mayhem, “Manipulation” and sister album “Instrumentalization” dive headfirst into the deep end of techno darkness, taking the listener on a one-way trip into unknown dimensions of industrial, malevolent horror. Listen. Listen closely. You will find yourself running, panic-stricken, through skyscraper canyons and waste-strewn alleys, pursued by nameless, faceless automatons. You will stand within far-distant hidden cities, cowering from the impossible shadows that form among those twisted architectures. You will sleep; and, aeons later, awake, somehow fundamentally altered from the person you once were. You will transcend time. You will, at the last, cheat death.
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