WESTERN ADDICTION broke onto the scene with unyielding fury over a decade ago with their hardcore debut Cognicide. 12 years and two EPs later, WESTERN ADDICTION is back with a brand new album brimming with the same hardcore explosive fervor they have become known for. Despite the time and distance between albums, Tremulous picks up right where Cognicide left us. Older, wiser, but still just as pissed off. The progression of the band is evident in the closing (five-and-a-half minute!) track ‘Your Life Is Precious’; a harmonious tribute to the late Enemy You frontman David Jones. With the help of producer Joey Cape (Lagwagon), the 11 tracks that comprise Tremulous reach a new melodic hardcore level; on full display in songs like ‘Ditch Riders’ and the single ‘Taedium’. With additional input from original WESTERN ADDICTION bassist (and Dead To Me frontman) Tyson Annicharico, as well as guest vocals from Propagandhi’s Todd Kowalski; Tremulous delivers the punch that long-time WESTERN ADDICTION fans have been yearning for. At long last it can be said: WESTERN ADDICTION is back!
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